David T.
Martin, Department of Physiology, Australian Institute of Sport, Belconnen
ACT 2617, Australia. Email: David.Martin=AT=ausport.gov.au.
Sportscience 5(1), sportsci.org/jour/0101/inbrief.htm#jane, 2000 (196+
yet there is no textbook to instruct young sport scientists on how to do
their job well. At the annual conference of Sport Science New Zealand last
year, I gave a presentation on the role of sport scientists in the success of
Australian athletes at the Sydney Olympics. As part of that presentation I
identified what I believe to be the characteristics of sport scientists who
work successfully with athletes. I used as my model the career of Jane Goodall, the world-renowned biologist who made a
substantial impact on our understanding of chimpanzees. I believe the
following characteristics of her work would help inspire young sport
scientists to successful careers:
- Early genuine
- Formal academic
- Established mentor
- Altruistic behavior
- Opportunity to
work in the field
- Made mistakes
- Patient
- Accepted into the
- Careful
- Research not
accepted by academics at first
- Influenced but not
limited by basic science
- Eventually
knowledge makes a positive impact

Download the slide show in Powerpoint 97/98 or pdf format.
Will G
Hopkins, Physiology and Physical Education, University of Otago, Dunedin
9001, New Zealand. Email: will.hopkins=AT=otago.ac.nz. Sportscience 5(1),
sportsci.org/jour/0101/inbrief.htm#train, 2001 (424 words)
a summary of the responses to a request I sent to the Sportscience list for
contact information that might be useful for anyone seeking help with their
own training. An email address indicates the person contacted me and will
field personal enquiries. There may also be email addresses for personal
enquiries at some of the sites.
(Vern Gambetta)
Sports Training Systems: specializing in performance enhancement for all
sports, focusing on building and rebuilding the complete athlete. http://www.gambetta.com
andresesper=AT=uol.com.ar (Andrés Esper)
I can
answer questions about cycling, volleyball, and rugby. I have also trained
and/or rehabilitated soccer and basketball players, dancers, and car and
motorbike racers. I can answer in English, Spanish and Italian.
(Rob Nicholson)
I train
individuals and/or teams for Distance Running, Duathlons/Triathlons,
Netball, Field Hockey, Basketball, Rugby, Soccer, Swimming and Tennis. I
also video and analyze technique.
Will G
Hopkins, Physiology and Physical Education, University of Otago, Dunedin
9001, New Zealand. Email: will.hopkins=AT=otago.ac.nz. Sportscience 5(1),
sportsci.org/jour/0101/inbrief.htm#injury, 2001 (445 words)
Injury is a fact of life for the professional
or recreational athlete. Face-to-face consultation with an expert is probably
the best way to deal with a sports injury, but the Net may be a source of a
second opinion or alternative therapy. See below for a summary of responses
to a request I sent to the Sportscience list asking for contacts or sites of
professionals who are prepared to give advice to someone with an injury.
But first, two respondents raised the important issue
of risks of giving and receiving such advice when things go wrong. Ian Shrier
pointed out that "once a physician answers a specific question from an
individual, they have entered into a patient-physician relationship, with all
the associated obligations and responsibilities. Any advice given can become
the basis for a lawsuit." Jan Borms quoted a
disclaimer in a health-related newsletter, of which he is co-editor:
"This newsletter... does not contain medical advice. Consult your
physician for individual problems. We cannot be responsible for eventual
adverse use of this information." Should all providers of information of
any kind issue this warning in our increasingly litigious society?
Bribri3849=AT=aol.com (Brian J. Boyle PT, MS, CSCS)
I am a
physical therapist and certified strength and conditioning specialist in
the US. I host a forum on the website http://www.sportspecific.com under
the heading of injury prevention and rehab. I can usually reply to
questions posted within 48 hours.
(Giguere Martin)
I would
be happy to answer the questions about injury, the rehab, etc. I am a
physiotherapist with an interest in orthopedics.
(Dr. Larry Feinman)
I am a
chiropractor with a good working understanding of sports injuries. I would
not mind if you directed people to me, and I will try to help answer any
questions, or send them in the right direction.
An Expert
This page at the Google
site has 14 links to experts on medicine and health. Two of the most
relevant links are:
Second Opinions
with Dr. Z.
"Dr. Zeman treats patients of all ages and
can give you a second opinion or discuss the best approach to many injuries
and procedures."
Ask A Trainer
"Questions and answers provided by fitness expert Teresa Taylor-Dusharm." This site is apparently for
health/wellness rather than athletic training.
This site, which
originates in Argentina, has email links to doctors and therapists from
soccer teams. They will answer in English or Spanish. (Contributed by Andrés Esper.)
Dr Global
This NZ-based site does
not offer free advice. The fees start at ~US$18. (Contributed by John Hellemans.)
Published April 2001