
This is the Web version of a free e-mail based sporadic
publication of technology related items for professional
The purpose of this electronic newsletter (MOVING TOGETHER) is
nothing other than a personal try to share/create a collective wisdom
in the area of technology as it impacts the professional
Kinesiologist. The field of Kinesiology is "the study of human
movement" and includes disciplines like Physical Education,
Recreation, Dance, Physical Fitness, Sport and all the Sport
Sciences. The present bias of the newsletter centers on Internet
resources. About once a month a new issue is produced.
For your convenience you can subscribe to the e-mail based edition
by following one of these options. Many people use the receipt of the
e-mail based publication as a reminder to come to this location so
they can use the hyperlink features the Web-based version provides.
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If you experience problems you can send an e-mail message to
kdaley=AT=mum.edu (Ken Daley) who is
a carbon based life form who will manually subscribe you. If you can
please use OPTION #1 so the carbon based life form can "have a
Ken Daley
Associate Professor
Department of Exercise and Sport Science
Maharishi University of
FM 1089
Fairfield, IA 52557-1089
E-mail: kdaley=AT=mum.edu
Telephone: 515.472.1152
FAX: 515.472.1189 Last update: 1998.10.29